9.1 Vayne PATCH NOTE : Buff? Nerf? Remake? Rollback?


Q cooldown reduced while R is active.
This is a spicy buff to Vayne's mid- and late-game teamfighting for players who can train enemies down during Final Hour without getting bopped in the process. To the Vaynes of the world: Vaynespotting is still a thing, so be careful not to roll yourself into an early grave. At the same time, don't be skittish—if you Tumble without attacking, you're barely going to get anything from this buff.

R - Final Hour

NEWKEEP ROLLINTumble's cooldown is reduced by 50% while Final Hour is active (reminder: Tumble's cooldown doesn't start until Vayne fires the empowered attack)

Source : https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-91-notes


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